1. I wish to stay and get a… - Forum Topic

Epic Flight Academy Forums International Flight School Students 1. I wish to stay and get a…

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  • #39560

    1. I wish to stay and get a PR
    living in the United States
    even after I complete my
    training which isn’t
    possible if I’m on my M1
    2. I would like to work in the
    US while I’m doing my
    training again which isn’t
    possible if I’m on my M1
    It would be kind of you to answer my questions and provide me with appropriate solutions for my problems.


    Hello Sharanya,

    1. Epic Flight Academy cannot help you get a Permanent Resident in the United States. We can only help you get an M1 (study only) visa.
    2. Unfortunately, you are not allowed to work here during your stay since you will be traveling with an M1 visa.

    Thank you for using our forum!

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