1. I have a valid passport that will… - Forum Topic

Epic Flight Academy Forums International Flight School Students 1. I have a valid passport that will…

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    1. I have a valid passport that will expire in 2 months’ time but I will get it extended for another year considering that I am still studying in China. Can I still apply with it? I’m in my final year of university. I will graduate and return to my country in January of 2022 and also get a new passport when I go back.

    2. How many planes does Epic have operational for flight training?

    3. How are the conditions and safety of the planes?

    4. How many flight instructors does Epic have on average in a year?

    5. How many students per flight instructor?

    6. How many days in a week do international students get to fly?

    7. Can international students become CFI’s for epic to build their hours once they have completed their training there?

    8. What are the other costs students need to take into account besides the training costs? eg, accommodation etc.


    Hello CptGeo25,

    Here are the answers to your questions:

    1. I have a valid passport that will expire in 2 months’ time but I will get it extended for another year considering that I am still studying in China. Can I still apply with it? I’m in my final year of university. I will graduate and return to my country in January of 2022 and also get a new passport when I go back.
    Answer: Yes, you can apply to become a student at Epic but you cannot start your training until you renew your passport.

    2. How many planes does Epic have operational for flight training?
    Answer: We operate a total of 25 aircraft. We have Cessna 172s, equipped with the G1000 glass cockpit and twin-engine Piper Seminoles/PA-44. https://epicflightacademy.com/epic-fleet/

    3. How are the conditions and safety of the planes?
    Answer: Epic’s safety record is second to none and safety is our top priority. We have been recognized and awarded for excellence in safety and our impeccable safety standards. We are a Cessna Service Center, with our own certified technicians who pride themselves on top-notch service and attention to detail. https://epicflightacademy.com/flight-school-faq/how-is-epic-flight-academys-safety-record/

    4. How many flight instructors does Epic have on average in a year?
    Answer: Epic employs approximately 70 to 75 flight instructors https://epicflightacademy.com/flight-school-faq/how-many-flight-instructors-does-epic-flight-academy-employ/

    5. How many students per flight instructor?
    Answer: We keep our student-to-instructor ratio at approximately 3 or 4 students per instructor ensuring a high degree of personalized instruction.

    6. How many days in a week do international students get to fly?
    Answer: It depends on which part of the training you’re currently in but we ensure our students can fly at least 5 times per week.

    7. Can international students become CFI’s for epic to build their hours once they have completed their training there?
    Answer: Unfortunately, our CFI courses are not available to international students at the moment.

    8. What are the other costs students need to take into account besides the training costs? eg, accommodation etc.
    Answer: You can check the full cost breakdown here: https://epicflightacademy.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/airline-pilot-pricing-international-students.pdf

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