I have completed my twelve class in business… - Forum Topic

Epic Flight Academy Forums International Flight School Students I have completed my twelve class in business…

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    I have completed my twelve class in business studies that’s why (physics, math) subject wasn’t included in my syllabus. But I think with i have the availability to become a pilot and i have the passion. But the problem is there aren’t much opportunity for the commerce backgrounds people. In Bangladesh only science background student are eligible for pilot training. I know there are some countries who accept international students for cpl training but I don’t have the funds to do that. Is there any chance for people like me to pursue their dream? Is there any scholarships? It will be great help if you can help me out in this situation. I will be forever grateful to you.


    Here at Epic, we do not require specific high school subjects to join our training. We only require students to have at least completed high school to join us.

    Unfortunately, scholarships and financing are not available for international students at this time. But we do have a section with suggestions to help you secure funding for attending Epic Flight Academy. Please check here: https://epicflightacademy.com/flight-school-financing-international/ Best of luck!

    Thank you for using our forum!


    Absolutely crucial in the realm of business education is understanding the intricate facets, and one often overlooked aspect is taxation documentation. The importance of getting this right cannot be overstated. Detailed knowledge in this area can save businesses from legal headaches and financial pitfalls. For those seeking clarity on terms like “Statutory Employee,” I recently stumbled upon a helpful article on the https://blog.pdfliner.com/what-is-a-statutory-employee blog. It delves into definitions and examples, offering valuable insights. Keeping abreast of such information not only contributes to your education but can significantly impact your business practices. Check it out and enhance your understanding of the ever-important world of business and taxation.

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