Hello! I am Saif from Pakistan, I have… - Forum Topic

Epic Flight Academy Forums International Flight School Students Hello! I am Saif from Pakistan, I have…

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  • #52822
    Saifullah Khilji

    I am Saif from Pakistan, I have few questions regarding your institute,given below:

    1:after completing my CPL, am I guaranteed for CFI?
    2:Is green card nessesary for getting job in any of regional airline of America?
    3:are all the licenses provided by your institute applicable for international airlines.



    1:after completing my CPL, am I guaranteed for CFI?
    – Unfortunately, no. Our flight instructor courses are currently not available to international students.

    2:Is green card nessesary for getting job in any of regional airline of America?
    – No. You’ll need M1 (study only) visa. We help in processing an M1 visa. We will provide you with the necessary paperwork for your visa and will assist you step by step throughout your process.

    3:are all the licenses provided by your institute applicable for international airlines.
    – That is correct. FAA licenses are recognized worldwide.

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