How many years to complete PPL, CPL and… - Forum Topic

Epic Flight Academy Forums International Flight School Students How many years to complete PPL, CPL and…

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  • #48033

    How many years to complete PPL, CPL and Airline licence pilot?
    What % to pass this test?
    If I don’t take physics and I take science instead at high school? Will I accepted?
    How much fees do i need to pay to comple ppl cpl and aipl?
    Will I become a pilot after i got my licences?


    Hello Anis,

    Here are the answers to your questions:

    How many years to complete PPL, CPL, and Airline license pilot?
    Our Airline Pilot Program for international students takes you through all the training necessary to become a professional pilot under FAA standards. For international students, it takes approximately 7 months to complete the training.

    What % to pass this test?
    We have 85% pass rate.

    If I don’t take physics and I take science instead at high school? Will I be accepted?
    You will still be accepted. However, you’ll need to first check with your aviation authority if they require pilots to have specific subjects.

    Will I become a pilot after I got my license?
    Every airline has its own set of hiring requirements, and we encourage our students to review a particular airline’s hiring requirements before applying for a First Officer or Captain position. Here is an article on hiring requirements for airlines around the world:

    Thank you for using our forum!

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