1.Can I deduct (include) the shared house monthly… - Forum Topic

Epic Flight Academy Forums Domestic Flight School Students 1.Can I deduct (include) the shared house monthly…

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  • #33632
    Carlos Meldz

    1.Can I deduct (include) the shared house monthly payment from my student Loan or it is going to be out of my pocket?

    2.If I prefer a private apartment can it be deducted too?

    3.Student Loans Cover the full of my training? When do I start to pay it ?

    4.The Non Tuition Expenses are charged from the student loan?


    Hello Carlos,

    Here are the answers to your questions:

    1. Can I deduct (include) the shared house monthly payment from my student Loan or it is going to be out of my pocket?
    Answer: Yes, you can!

    2. If I prefer a private apartment can it be deducted too?
    Answer: It will vary depending on the student loan you availed. But most of the time it is possible.

    3. Student Loans Cover the full of my training? When do I start to pay it?
    Answer: It is recommended that you consult with the lender where you will get your loan from. Most of our students are funded with both tuition and non-tuition expenses.

    4. The Non-Tuition Expenses are charged from the student loan?
    Answer: Correct.

    Thank you for using our forum!

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