Are we gonna sit for the exams before… - Forum Topic

Epic Flight Academy Forums Aircraft Mechanic School Are we gonna sit for the exams before…

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  • #33427

    Are we gonna sit for the exams before or after the 18 months training?


    Epic’s program follows FAA guidelines. You must complete the following courses and successfully pass all exams.

    General Technician – Aviation Maintenance
    Airframe Technician Part 1 – Aviation Maintenance
    Airframe Technician Part 2 – Aviation Maintenance
    Powerplant Technician Part 1 – Aviation Maintenance
    Powerplant Technician Part 2 – Aviation Maintenance
    Take three written exams (General, Airframe, and Powerplant). You must pass with a score of 70% or higher. (Note: These are FAA exams and cost $160 each.)
    Take and pass the FAA practical (hands-on) exam.
    Take and pass the FAA oral exam. (Note: The practical and oral exams cost a total of $1,050.)

    For more information, please visit this link:

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