Reply To: Prerequisite of becoming a student at epic flight academy

Epic Flight Academy Forums Epic Flight Academy Campus Prerequisite of becoming a student at epic flight academy Reply To: Prerequisite of becoming a student at epic flight academy


Hello, Femlad123!

Additionally, the cost of tuition will vary depending on where you are coming from.

Our U.S. Airline Pilot Program takes you through all the training necessary to become a professional pilot under FAA standards. For United States students, tuition is $66,234 and it takes approximately 10 months to complete the training. Highly motivated students can finish in 7 months.

Our Airline Pilot Program for international students takes you through all the training necessary to become a professional pilot under FAA standards. For international students, tuition is $45,783, and it takes approximately 7 months to complete the training.

Please let us know if you have any further questions. Or if you would like to get started, you can do so by completing this form:

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