financial aid for international students - Forum Topic

Epic Flight Academy Forums International Flight School Students financial aid for international students

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  • #12810

    1. to what extent can the admissions team of Epic Flight Academy give out to international students who are without funds but have the zeal to pursue a piloting career?

    Epic Social Media

    We currently do not offer scholarships or loans; however, we do have a section with suggestions to help you secure funding for attending Epic Flight Academy! Please click the link below.

    Flight School Financing – International Students


    can the epic flight school create a whatsapp group for international studens

    Epic Social Media


    Our Admissions Team frequently uses WhatsApp to communicate with current and potential students! If you are thinking about joining Epic, we would be happy to communicate with you via WhatsApp. If you have not already been in contact with one of our Admissions Recruiters, please submit the form at the link provided below and someone will contact you!

    Please submit this form to communicate with our Admissions Team:

    Thank you for using our Pilot Forum!

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