Epic Buzz Vol. 5 Issue 10 | October 2022

Volume 5, Issue 10 | October 2022

Orlando Sentinel Recognizes Epic as Top Workplace

Orlando Sentinel Top Workplace Award

The Orlando Sentinel newspaper recognized Epic Flight Academy as a Top Workplace on Friday, September 16th at an awards ceremony in Orlando, Florida. Epic was recognized in the “Small Employer Group.” Founder and CEO Danny Perna said, “When we started in 1999, we never imagined the company would grow to multiple locations and more than 100 employees, but we’ve always been fortunate to hire great people. For our staff to weigh in on what it means to work at Epic meant so much. We value their feedback and hope to continue making Epic a great place to work.”

Aircraft Mechanic Students Graduate as New Class Begins

September 2022 Aircraft Mechanic Graduates

Congratulations to our latest graduates from Epic’s aircraft mechanic program! From left to right: Freeman Ip, Christopher Rooks, Kevin Griffin, and Amir Mazrach Farahani. Their 19 months of training have paid off, and they are off to begin new careers. We also welcomed our newest class of A&P students (below). Our next class begins January 30th. We invite you to apply.

New A&P Students

New Flight Students

New Flight Students Sept. 2022

Welcome to our newest Epic pilots who are already busy flight training. Our students come from all around the world and the U.S. We invite you to train at Epic!

Milestone in Ocala

First Ocala Private Pilot

Congratulations to Ed Evers (right), the first pilot to pass the Private Pilot check ride at our satellite location in Ocala, Florida. Flight Instructor Tyler Prenesti attaches Ed’s PPL stripes to his epaulets.

Aircraft Mechanic Career Seminars

GE General Electric Career Seminar
GE Career Seminar

United Airlines Career Seminar
United Airlines Career Seminar

Our thanks to GE (General Electric) and United Airlines for hosting career seminars at our Part 147 school. Aircraft mechanic students learned about exciting job opportunities at both companies.

7th Annual Scholarship and Career Fair Event

7th Annual Aviation Scholarship and Career Fair Event

Mark your calendar for our favorite event of the year! We will host a fishing tournament, scholarship event, and career fair on Saturday, November 5th. We are expecting more than a dozen aviation businesses and hope you’ll join us!

October Special for International Flight Students

October Specials for International Flight Students

Are you and a friend thinking about attending flight school together? International flight students receive a special discount when they enroll with a friend. In October, we are offering our most popular special: “Bring a Friend to Flight School!” Both students will receive a $5,000 credit and free Private Pilot Ground School.

International students who enroll with a friend, with both paying their application fees between October 1, 2022 and October 31, 2022, are eligible for this special. You must enroll and begin training no later than January 1, 2023.

Epic Alumni News

Epic Alumni News Sept. 2022

We heard from several Epic graduates in September and can’t wait to share their career updates. From top left, clockwise: Abdullah Aldaoom is now a First Officer flying the B737-800NG for Iraqi Airways; Carter Daughtry now flies for Delta Air Lines; Lauren Hensel is a First Officer at American Airlines flying the Boeing 737; Cheyenne Boyd is piloting the Boeing 737 as a First Officer at Southwest Airlines; John Ream is a survey pilot flying for SkyLens; Jordan Ming is Assistant Operations Manager at Boeing Employees’ Flying Association; John Christian has been promoted to Captain at United; and Armaan Fazal is a First Officer flying the B777 at United.

Congratulations to these amazing Epic graduates on their career accomplishments! We wish you all the best! Are you an Epic graduate? If so, send us an update.

Employee News

Epic New Hires Sept. 2022

Welcome to our newest team members! We hired six new flight instructors: Schyler Sapinksi, Kataleen Vargas, Lauren Faberlle, Emma Burnett, Cory Peterson, and Thomas Cummins. We also welcomed Marylou Preston as a new bookkeeper and Stephen Higgs in Student Services. We are glad you’re here!

Epic Women Honored

Epic Women in Aviation

We celebrated Girls in Aviation Day by inviting girls 18 and younger to visit Epic and celebrate with us. We also honored several of Epic’s own Women in Aviation: (L-R) Stephanie Babian (Epic staff), Neha Senuri Uduwarage (Epic flight student), Ashley Nagle (Epic aircraft mechanic student), and Michelle Beard (Epic flight instructor). Congratulations to these exemplary ladies for their dedication to aviation. We appreciate them so much!

AMT Exams

Congratulations to these aircraft mechanics who passed FAA exams!

AMT Graduate (Powerplant Exam)   

Scott Cavato 
Aiden Skau 

Check Rides

Congratulations to these flight students who passed check rides on their first attempt in September!

Private Pilot   

Ayrton Rojo Arango
Amanda Elizabeth Chesser
Joseph Daniel Quezada Zhingri
Travis Richard Smith Jr
Melissa Estefania Argudo Alvarado
Shannon Caroline Kelly
Andrew West Knoll
Emily Anne Pollard
Anthony Thomas Vitale

Instrument Rating   

Hai Anh Vo
Douglas Elbridge Ferguson Jr
Neha Senuri Uduwarage
Segio Felipe Vargas Granados
Abdelrahman Eisam Abdelrahman Dafaalla
Collin Reece Eberle
Ahmad Sheriff Kollere
Khanh Thien Tran
Anthony David Padilla Ayala
Henry Alexander Sanchez
Tien Dung Pham
Christine Noelle Larrivee

Commercial Single-Engine

Ryan Charles Mason
Juan David Barrragan Mendez
Kyne Cullen Fenton
Jeremy Baran
Thomas J Larmena Jr

Commercial Multi-Engine

Adrian Blake Lopez
Sokthavine Sa
Christian Niclolas Sabatelli
Austin Charles DiCola
Peter Anthony Forde Sanchez
Elionel Contreras Pabon
L Beck
Alexander Edward MacMillan 
Joshua Solomon Rubin

Certified Flight Instructor

Kasey James Herring
Carlos Daniel Cabrera
Justin Patrick McElwain
Hunter Troy Neale

Certified Flight Instructor – Instrument

Algernon Wayne Tinsley III
Brock Allen Rees
Julianna Noel Jones
Kevin Peter Mullen
Matthew Molina Castrillon
Emma Anne Burnett
Joseph Edward Tanahey
Ting-Hao Lao
Yu-Chuan Fang

Multi-Engine Flight Instructor

Harrison Merica Lutz

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