Epic Buzz Vol. 2 Issue 6 | June 2019

Catch up on the latest happenings at Epic Flight Academy!

Volume 2, Issue 6                                                                    June 2019

Epic Hosts Pilot Career Seminars

Epic recently hosted a Pilot Career Seminar with Piedmont Airlines and has several more seminars planned with PSA Airlines on June 6th, Trans States Airlines on June 27th, and ExpressJet Airlines on July 18th. We regularly host Pilot Career Seminars so our students and CFIs can learn about career opportunities. See all events online.
We invite you to join our Epic Flight Academy online PILOT FORUM to discuss pilot topics, ask questions, and get to know each other. The forum is a great place to start your pilot career!


Levi Cawthon (left) recently became a Captain for Republic Airways. He called this “the highest accomplishment in my career.” We are so proud to report the achievements of our former students. We also heard from Akibu Sarina who recently became a First Officer with Azman Air and from Epic Graduates Brayan Valencia who flies for Republic Airways. #EpicFlightAcademy



Staff and students enjoyed a cookout during Student & Staff Appreciation Day in May. Admissions recruiter Rich Trujillo (left) and Taylor Rawlins (right) from the Maintenance Department did a great job on the grill!

Coming up on June 20th we will be serving everyone’s favorite – Publix fried chicken! Join us for another tasty Student & Staff Appreciation Day!


We are thrilled to extend a warm welcome to new CFI Eric Amborn (pictured) from Minnesota. Also joining the Epic family is CFII Matt Shropshire who was born in South Korea but has lived all over the world. We also wish the very best to Epic Flight Instructor Luis Calderon who trained and taught at Epic as he moves on to a new position flying a Cessna Caravan for a skydiving organization in New Jersey!

Captain Judy Rice

Captain Judy’s Corner –

Density Altitude: Airplanes don’t feel. Or, do they?

“The cockpit felt like a sauna in the Arizona heat. Not only was I enduring the summer heat, but so was the airplane. How might an airplane suffer from heat? After all, airplanes don’t feel? Or do they?”

Read the latest article by Captain Judy Rice, Epic Flight Academy Ground School Instructor. She addresses one of the most important concepts in flight training: Density Altitude.



Congratulations to all of our spectacular Epic Flight Academy students who passed checkrides on their first attempt in May!

Private Pilot

Rushiraj D. Patel
Vitor Matheus Carreiro Assuncao
Can Uresin
Brandon David Ciccone
Jayden Minjae Lee
Nicholas Robert Nelson
Juan David Echeverria Delvalle
Andrew Jermaine Barrett

Instrument Rating

Calvin Lee
DerRhan Alex Augustine
Vachara Lalitgomol
Bradley M. Wilkinson
Gonzalo Manuel Moreno Arbildo
Jeremy Reid Hall
Julian David Diaz Diaz
Farid Amin Zaid
Qadir Mustafa Mohan
Juan Carlos Acosta Villamil
Jorge Ivan Gomez Gomez

Commercial Single-Engine

Arjun Kamalaksha
Pranay Gopinath
Matthew Ryan DeBurra
Aman Bharadwaj
Ananda Krishnan Vijay
Yongxi Zhao

Commercial Multi-Engine

Nuttapron Bunsai
Ori Rozelman
Justyn Omari Proctor
Juan Sebastian Aponte Arevalo
Sebastian Torres Gonzalez
Thanarat Kongsuppalux

Certified Flight Instructor

Tyler James Michienzi
Colton Lee McKinnon
Lav Kumar Choony
Haonan Chen
Roberto Carlos Rivera-Hallock
David Medina

Certified Instrument Flight Instructor

Remington Tyler Hawkins Khosla
Matthew Egan Shropshire
Sung Jun Cho
Joel Hawley Nelson Jr.
Fabian Enrique Turell
Bianka Ashley Peterson
Robert Joseph Bishop

Multi-Engine Flight Instructor

Jorge Luis Lugo Salguero


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