Jennifer Van Ingen - Staff

Jennifer Van Ingen
Position: Dispatch Supervisor
Joined: March 2021

Ground Safety Officer Jen Van Ingen is originally from Vernon, New Jersey and is thrilled to be a part of the Epic Flight Academy family. Her love for aviation stemmed from the age of 14 when her dad tried to encourage one of her sisters or her to go on a discovery flight. She soon learned that after saying a quick “yes,” aviation became one of her greatest passions in life. Jen’s main goal is to become an Air Traffic Controller but is continuing to earn her ratings. Her second goal is to teach and show her nephews that just when they think something is not for them, they should go out and try it. Because, after all, you never know what you will fall in love with and pursue in life. Jen started at Epic as a dispatcher. As Ground Safety Officer, she organizes emergency drills, inspects emergency equipment, and coordinates emergency response training for staff.

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