What is the payment schedule for the program?… - Forum Topic

Epic Flight Academy Forums International Flight School Students What is the payment schedule for the program?…

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  • #84528

    What is the payment schedule for the program?
    What payment methods are available, especially for international students?
    Is there a deposit required to enroll, and when is it due?
    Can you explain your refund policy in case I need to withdraw?
    Are there any additional costs or fees I should be aware of?
    Are there any specific procedures for making payments from abroad?


    Hello Abdi101,

    What is the payment schedule for the program?
    – The first initial of your tuition will be $10,000 and you will have to pay after you passed your visa interview before your course starts. After the first initial, the payment will be paid as you progress. Average you will pay around $5000/month until you finish the program.

    What payment methods are available, especially for international students?
    – You may pay via cash, credit card, online payment through PayPal, or wire transfer.

    Is there a deposit required to enroll, and when is it due?
    – We require $10,000 USD to begin your training at Epic. This is paid after you receive your visa approval.

    Can you explain your refund policy in case I need to withdraw?
    – Unused funds from your ETA account can be refunded.

    Are there any additional costs or fees I should be aware of?
    – Yes. Non-tuition costs like foods and accommodation are not included.

    Are there any specific procedures for making payments from abroad?
    – The fees can be paid with your debit or credit card, Paypal, wire transfer, etc.

    To see if you qualify for this training, kindly complete this prequalification form: https://epicflightacademy.com/prequalification-enrollment/

    Thank you for using our forum!

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