Vladimir has made accommodations available in Port Orange - Forum Topic

Epic Flight Academy Forums Living Accommodations Vladimir has made accommodations available in Port Orange

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  • #84220
    Epic Housing

    These accommodations have just become available for an Epic Flight Academy student!

    First name: Vladimir
    Phone number: +14843533807
    Number of rooms: 2
    City of room(s): Port Orange
    Private bath: Yes
    Private entrance: Yes
    Smoking: No
    Parking: Yes
    Monthly rate: $1050 or $850
    Utilities included: Yes
    Security deposit required: Yes


    Private room for rent
    ✈️✈️ master bedroom $1050✈️✈️
    ✈️✈️ standard bedroom $850✈️✈️

    1965 Cove Point Rd, Port Orange, FL 32128-3033, United States

    AVAILABLE October 1st.
    Shared 4 BED-2-1/2 bath House in Coquina Cove-Port Orange

    5miles from campus

    MASTER BEDROOM with a private bathroom $1050


    SMALLER BEDROOM $850 with shared bathroom.

    The other two rooms currently occupied by student pilots.

    All utilities included EXCEPT ELECTRICITY (which is shared 4 ways).
    Water, sewer, internet, lawn cutting and maintenance, pest control and ONCE A MONTH CLEANING OF THE COMMON AREAS included.

    Newer appliances and washer/dryer in unit.

    This is not a party house. It is in a family-oriented neighborhood with strict HOA rules. NO DRUGS AND NO SMOKING! STRICTLY ENFORCED!

    The common areas are furnished with modern furniture, TV, dining table and necessities such as cookware, utensils, plates, rice cooker, coffee maker etc. Just bring your OWN BED AND DESK.

    Parking for 4 vehicles. ( 2 car garage and driveway) and street parking.
    Background checks will be conducted on all candidates.

    Co-signers (parents) OK.


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