Myself Md Azhar Pasha.. i am currently working… - Forum Topic

Epic Flight Academy Forums Aircraft Mechanic School Myself Md Azhar Pasha.. i am currently working…

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  • #26898

    Myself Md Azhar Pasha.. i am currently working in one of the IT company at Hyderabad (India) as Network Administrator since past 9 Years. My current age is 40 Years. . from childhood i had dream to be in aviation industry. i want to pursue my dream. does the age matter and how i can nourish my dream, i want to know is there any specific course or training i can go ahead with to be an aircraft maintenance engineer. My qualification is Bachelors in Science with computer specialization. kindly provide your valuable suggestion.

    Md Azhar Pasha.


    Hello Azhar,

    The cost for tuition is $19,500 plus $300 for books and $1,500 for tools. (Note: You will own these tools.) There is a $45 application fee once you are approved. There are 3 FAA exams that cost $150 each taken at the end of the 3 courses. Upon completion of the program, there is an FAA oral exam and an FAA practical exam. These cost a total of $1,050. We disclose all costs upfront so you can plan accordingly. Total cost is: $22,850.

    To become a trained aircraft mechanic at Epic Flight Academy in New Smyrna Beach, Florida, USA you must:
    1) Be 18 years old either prior to starting the program OR by the completion of the program.
    2) Speak English proficiently and
    3) Pass an entry-level exam.

    If you are interested in checking your eligibility, please complete this form:

    Thank you very much for participating in our forum!

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