I want to do license conversion and how… - Forum Topic

Epic Flight Academy Forums Transfer Students I want to do license conversion and how…

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  • #45172
    Khizar Hayat

    I want to do license conversion and how much will it cost and is there any job surety


    Hello Khizar,

    Many international students who have already had earned a pilot license in their respective countries before transferring to Epic to continue their training as commercial pilots. These students need to complete a Verification of Authenticity of Foreign License and Medical Certification Form as required by the FAA in order to continue training at Epic. Regardless of the amount of training received outside of the U.S., students may only convert to the maximum of FAA Private Pilot. The foreign license verification process can take up to 90 days, so students need to plan ahead, be proactive, and submit the proper documentation before they arrive at Epic. https://epicflightacademy.com/convert-foreign-pilot-license/

    Thank you for using our forum!

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