I am over in the us with friends,… - Forum Topic

Epic Flight Academy Forums International Flight School Students I am over in the us with friends,…

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    I am over in the us with friends, but I have been looking into doing my flight school in Daytona, and just figuring out a way to fund my training as an international student. could you please tell me how the Sallie Mae option works and how to find out if I am eligible? My friends in the US could cosign for me or I could figure out another way to get a cosigner if that makes me allegeable. Also do you have a prospectus pack or an application pack that you would be able to send to me while I am staying with family friends here in davenport FL. I am here for another week before I leave again for the UK. I would really like to get this information as soon as possible, so that I could peruse the information and clarify if I am fully eligible. any other information that you could provide me would be most appreciated. (The above number is my friends; her name is Tracey.


    We will reply to you via email as soon as possible. If you want, you can always reach us directly at [email protected].

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