I am a Mechanic holding EASA part 66… - Forum Topic

Epic Flight Academy Forums Aircraft Mechanic School I am a Mechanic holding EASA part 66…

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    I am a Mechanic holding EASA part 66 Airframe and Power plant license issued by Civil Aviation Authority of Sri Lanka.I have over 25 years experience in aviation. But unfortunately Sri Lanka has reached bankruptcy and aviation is badly affected and most companies are closed.I would like to obtain A & P License and would like to join a company to explore my 30 years aviation knowledge and experience for the betterment of the company I am intending to work.my age is 53 years but I lobe to be in aviation field and no opportunities in Sri Lanka due to economic crisis. I am a type rated helicopter engineer,Quality assurance manager and a qualified aeronautical engineering Instructor(Currently visiting lectuerer at Sir John Kotelawala Defence University Sri Lanka)I am expecting a positive reply.


    To become a trained aircraft mechanic at Epic Flight Academy in New Smyrna Beach, Florida, USA you must:
    1) Be 18 years old either prior to starting the program OR by the completion of the program.
    2) Speak English proficiently.
    3) Pass an entry-level exam.

    Check your eligibility by completing this form: https://epicflightacademy.com/aircraft-mechanic-application/

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