How many out of state students - Forum Topic

Epic Flight Academy Forums Domestic Flight School Students How many out of state students

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  • #16896

    curious to know, how many out of state students are attending. I am from IL

    Epic Social Media

    Great question! Epic Fight Academy has many out of state students since flight training can be done year-round here in Florida. Are you thinking about joining Epic?


    yes, i am! what percent of epic grads apply for CFI job at epic after graduation?

    Epic Social Media

    Almost all of the students who complete their CFI training at Epic Flight Academy apply and interview for a CFI position here. We train and hire our Certified Flight Instructors because we are confident they have received top quality training. Ultimately, CFIs build flight time teaching students and then move on to the airlines once they meet hiring requirements. Graduating from Epic as a CFI puts you in the best position possible for working as a CFI to build your flight hours!

    We have an onsite admissions team who would be happy to answer any questions you may have about joining Epic Flight Academy! They can be reached Monday-Friday from 9 am to 5 pm EST at 386-409-5583.

    Thanks again for using our Pilot Forum!

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