How long does this course usually take? How… - Forum Topic

Epic Flight Academy Forums International Flight School Students How long does this course usually take? How…

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    How long does this course usually take?
    How many years of study do I need to get a degree as a professional pilot.
    What could disqualify me to become a commercial pilot? Is there age limit for commercial pilots? What’s the best license in the market?


    Our Airline Pilot Program for international students takes you through all the training necessary to become a professional pilot under FAA standards. For international students, tuition is $72,663.00, and it takes approximately 7 months to complete the training.
    The program is composed of Private pilot license course, Instrument rating and Commercial pilot license course. Please see the cost breakdown here:

    To become a trained airline pilot at Epic Flight Academy in New Smyrna Beach, Florida, USA you must:
    1) Be at least 17 years of age
    2) Speak English proficiently
    3) International students must have a valid passport (Passport information: or two other forms of identification if you are from the USA
    4) Completed high school or secondary education (Grades don’t matter, only that you completed school.)

    There are certain medical conditions that disqualify you from becoming a pilot. Each pilot is required to meet specific medical standards depending on the class of medical certificate for which the pilot applies. The aviation doctors are the ones who conduct the tests to see if you are eligible. They are called the Aviation Medical Examiner or AME from the Federal Aviation Administration. You can search for an Aviation Medical Examiner (AME) in your area. This tool provides an up-to-date listing of AMEs, based on search criteria you select.

    There are also no maximum age restrictions in obtaining pilot licenses. There are only a mandatory retirement age of 65 years old in some airline.

    Thank you for using our forum!

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