Hi there, I am bilaterally 3 Dioptry-near-sighted. So,… - Forum Topic

Epic Flight Academy Forums International Flight School Students Hi there, I am bilaterally 3 Dioptry-near-sighted. So,…

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  • #82509
    Kiem Nguyen

    Hi there,
    I am bilaterally 3 Dioptry-near-sighted. So, I don’t know whether or not I am eligible to become a professional pilot.
    Thank you


    Hi Kiem!

    As long as your vision can be corrected to 20/20 with glasses or contacts, you will be eligible for a First Class FAA Medical Certificate, which makes you eligible to fly as a civilian professional pilot. For proper advice, please visit an aviation medical examiner if they can provide you the necessary medical certificate to become a pilot.

    Thank you!

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