Hi My son, 44, holds a valid ICAO… - Forum Topic

Epic Flight Academy Forums International Flight School Students Hi My son, 44, holds a valid ICAO…

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  • #49584

    My son, 44, holds a valid ICAO ATPL with A330 rating. He has 13.000 hours on B737, ATR 72, A319, A340 and A330. He would like to convert his ICAO ATPL in a FAA ATPL. Do you have a dedicated program for this ?
    I am a retired SABENA and AIR MAURITIUS captain and I am trying to help him to find a job as he lost his job when the Covid started.
    Best regards


    Hello Michael,

    We can help your son with that. Just have him fill out this form so our recruitment team can follow up with him:

    Prequalification Enrollment

    Thank you for using our forum!

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