Do you provided any volunteer or internship programs… - Forum Topic

Epic Flight Academy Forums Transfer Students Do you provided any volunteer or internship programs…

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  • #66135

    Do you provided any volunteer or internship programs that I could participate in during the summer and my senior high school year? I am very interested in the pilot training program and would like to get experience.


    Unfortunately, we do not offer those programs. We also do not require advanced aviation knowledge or experience to join our pilot training program. You can always start from zero. However, you can take our discovery flight if you wish to experience flying with our aircraft. A Discovery Flight is a flight of approximately 30 minutes intended to familiarize a student with the airplane, the airport, and with the flying environment. During most Discovery Flights, the student sits in the left seat, and the instructor allows the student to fly for a majority of the flight.

    Thank you for using our forum!

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