Epic Buzz Vol. 3 Issue 12 | December 2020

Epic Buzz Newsletter Dec 2020

Meet 3 successful Epic flight students and learn their paths to achievement. Also, December specials, Epic in the news, an Open House, and more! Celebrating Student Success As we close out another great year at Epic Flight Academy, we wanted to spotlight three students. Read the latest article from Captain Judy’s Corner to learn how determination, focus, and excellent study skills impacted the flight training of these three students. Meet Yuki Nguyen from Vietnam who completed her PPL, IR, and CMEL in less than 11 months, Chinedu Alikor from Nigeria, who has completed his PPL and IR and is now working on his CSEL, and Hunter McCarthy from the United States, who earned his PPL, IR, CSEL, and CFI in … Read more

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